
Thanksgiving Safety Tips for a Road Trip

Nov 14, 2018


Thanksgiving Safety Tips for a Road Trip

Tips to Drive Safely to Your Thanksgiving Destination

Thanksgiving is right around the corner which means that millions of Americans will be getting in the car to get to their Thanksgiving destination. Congested roads  are  to be expected over the holidays but the last thing you want is for an accident or breakdown to happen. To keep your Thanksgiving drive a safe one, secure reliable auto insurance in Renton, WA and take a look at these Thanksgiving road safety tips.Get your car ready. You want to be sure that your vehicle can handle a long-distance journey. Before you set off,  make  sure you service your vehicle by checking the tires, wiper blades, brakes, lights, and topping up the fluids as needed.Map out your journey. Heavy traffic and road accidents may mean that you need to take an alternate route. Make sure that you have a couple of routes to your destination mapped out beforehand.Avoid distractions. There will be more vehicles on the roads and you may have family members in the car. In other words, there are more distractions! Keep kids entertained throughout the journey, pay attention to the road, and limit distractions (put your phone away!).Be patient. There may be slow drivers, tourists, learner drivers, and trucks - you may get frustrated but it's important to stay calm. Don't make any sudden movements that could cause accidents.Review insurance. Make sure you have e optimum insurance ready for your journey. Review your limits, consider adding on roadside assistance, and call your insurer if you're unsure of what your policy covers.We hope that you have a safe Thanksgiving journey! Contact  the professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance today, serving Renton and neighboring cities of Washington for quality  auto insurance  coverage.
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