
What Makes a Good Benefits Package?

Oct 18, 2017

Business Insurance

What Makes a Good Benefits Package?

Even start-up companies should offer these basic benefits.  

Once you have great employees on board, how do you keep them from jumping ship? One way is by offering a good benefits package! Many small business owners mistakenly believe that they can't afford to offer benefits, rendering their employees empty-handed and bitter. By giving employees the benefits that they value, they'll be more satisfied and less likely to quit.  Check out these three employee benefits that won't cost you a dime.Allow flexible work options.An easy way to increase employee satisfaction is to give them responsibility over their own time. When employees feel confined to one workspace, they may not feel motivated or work their hardest. Allow them a flexible work schedule that means they can run those errands, pick up the kids, and make an important appointment. With that said, be clear with goals, schedules, expectations, and define times on when your team should come together.Create a good culture.Employees who work in a good culture where they are recognized for their hard work are likely to feel valued. Working at a start-up or new company can be a great opportunity for employees to feel empowered. With more responsibility and a greater voice, some of the best ideas are created. Empowering your employees to have a voice that is heard isn't just good for the company's bottom line, but it will motivate your team.Offer choices.You'll know that no two of your employees are alike. Similarly, their benefits packages should be different to suit their own needs. Allow employees to pick and customize some of their benefits according to their needs, but with clear expectations of them in their role.Flexibility and trust are essential perks that any business can offer to staff.When you're busy looking for ways on how to improve employee packages, don't forget about securing the right  business insurance. Skip the step of searching for the right  insurer for your needs '  Contact  the professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance, serving Renton and neighboring cities of Washington.
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