
Camping Safety Tips for This Summer

Jun 02, 2016


Camping Safety Tips for This Summer

Enjoy camping in the great outdoors with these camping safety tips for summer.

June is Camping Month and it's the time when many are prepping their tents and readying their portable grill. Camping is a fun way to get family and friends together to enjoy the outdoors, and summer offers the perfect opportunity to do just that. So that your family and friends keep safe during your trip, whether local or on the road, check out these camping safety tips for summer:Get vaccinated ' Vaccinations can help to protect against certain diseases and conditions while camping. Check with your doctor or nurse to see if you've had all of the recommended vaccines. Typically, tetanus, pertussis, meningitis, and hepatitis A are recommended.Prepare food and water ' Bring safe and healthy foods along on your camping trip! Contaminated food or water can increase the risk of developing certain infectious diseases caused by germs.
  • Pack foods in tight, waterproof bags or containers.
  • Wash hands and surfaces often ' always take a (large) bottle of hand sanitizer, too.
  • Separate raw foods from cooked foods.
  • Cook foods to proper temperatures.
  • Chill foods promptly.
  • If you're not staying at a campsite, take plenty of water bottles.
  • Pack the pet food and water bowl separately from your plates, utensils, and food.
Be shady ' Protection from ultraviolet (UV) radiation is important all year long. Even on hazy and cloudy days, the UV rays can reach you! Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15, and always reapply after you've been swimming. Seek shade, especially at midday, when the sun's rays are strongest.Avoid wild animals and protect family pets ' Avoid touching, feeding, or getting close to wild animals. Enjoy watching them from a safe distance in their natural surroundings, and never leave litter behind that they can ingest. Make sure family pets are vaccinated, check for ticks, and always supply them with enough food, water, and shelter!From the insurance professionals at Humble & Davenport Insurance, we hope that you enjoyed these camping safety tips! For the financial protection that you deserve in Renton, Washington,  contact  Humble & Davenport Insurance to get started on your insurance policies.
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