
Is Your Building Covered By Restaurant Insurance in Seattle?

Jun 07, 2016

Restaurant Insurance

Is Your Building Covered By Restaurant Insurance in Seattle?

Your building should be protected from harm and damage with restaurant insurance in Seattle.

The restaurateur faces many financial risks the moment that they unlock the door and turn on the lights. The passion for cooking can be immediately cut short when something goes wrong, and your customer decides to bring an action against you and your company. However, the business owner needs to be concerned with a lot more than the risk of a food poisoning lawsuit. From theft to vandalism to fire or natural disasters, your building and everything in it needs to be protected!Where can I get this protection?Property coverage within a restaurant insurance policy protects both the restaurant building and its contents! If you own the building, you are protected in the event of fire, vandalism, or if a burst pipe causes flooding.What about if I rent?If you rent and you file a claim, you'll be covered for the building enhancements that you made! This can include range hoods, built-in cabinets, and light fixtures. Also protected are your rental's contents, including computer equipment, kitchen implements, appliances, furnishings, and your point of sale equipment.Do I have enough coverage?In order to protect a growing restaurant business, you should maintain the right amount of insurance. Annually assess your policies and always update your coverage when your restaurant changes! Many policies feature co-insurance clauses that penalize you for underinsuring ' so there's really no dodging it!Owning a restaurant can be very rewarding for anyone who is passionate about food and hospitality, you'll want to keep your business from financial hardship or a stained reputation! Receive your quality  restaurant insurance  in Seattle, Renton, and surrounding areas in Washington by contacting  Humble & Davenport Insurance ' the experts in the industry! We know who much work you put into your restaurant, and we'll provide you with a policy that will work hard for you.
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