
Affordable Cyber Security Tips for Your Business

Mar 24, 2020

Business Insurance

Affordable Cyber Security Tips for Your Business

Understand Cyber Security Risks

 You've finally started your own business! Getting a business off the ground is no small fete, so it pays to ensure that you're ready for the hard work ahead. Unfortunately, while you're busy starting your business, there could be risks to your success already brewing. Cybersecurity is an important, albeit forgotten about, factor when it comes to startups. You have limited capital and targets to reach ' this means you may not have a lot of time or money to dedicate to protecting your business. Fortunately, we've rounded up some affordable cybersecurity tips that will help to protect your hard work. 
  • Install anti-virus software
No matter the business, it's unlikely that you'll be managing without some form of computer interaction. Whether you're using tablets, laptops, or computers, you're likely to be handling digital data in some way. Even though your business is small, there is still a whole host of sensitive information that cybercriminals would like to get their hands on. Be sure to install (and regularly update) anti-virus software on each device your business uses to protect it against malware. 
  • Use strong passwords
As your business grows, you will likely hire more employees to help manage everything from your social media accounts to your financial ledgers. Most of these require password access. Remind your team to change their passwords with the seasons, use a mixture of letters and numbers, and to never write them down. 
  • Backup regularly
Even if you're doing everything right, accidents and disasters can still happen. Make sure to protect your business against data loss by regularly backing up data, whether this is to cloud-based storage or an external hard drive ' or both! Maintaining a secure digital environment for your business doesn't have to be costly. With smart, simple changes, you can do your best to safeguard your business against a cyber attack. For a cyber liability insurance policy to suit your business and property at the right price,  contact  the team at Humble & Davenport Insurance today.
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