
What is the Good Driver Discount? How Do I Get It?

Jun 16, 2020

General Articles

What is the Good Driver Discount? How Do I Get It?
During this time, many motorists are looking for ways to save on their auto insurance in Renton, WA. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to save on your premium without sacrificing that important coverage. One of the best ' and easiest ' ways to save is to get the good driver discount.  Getting the Good Driver Discount on Your Auto Insurance Policy  What is it? The good driver discount is a discount given by car insurance companies to safe and low-risk drivers. Even though you may think you're a good driver, each insurance company will have their own terms on what they consider a good driver. For some, you will need a clean record for a certain number of years, with no accidents or traffic violations or tickets. For others, you may just need to have maintained a clean record for the last three years. How do I get it?Simply call your insurer and ask if you have this coverage already applied to your auto insurance policy. If you don't, ask about their requirements so that you know what to do to work towards being eligible for the discount. How do I keep the good driver discount?Getting and keeping the discount mean that you need to be a safe and conscientious driver on the roads. Here are just a few ways you can secure and maintain the discount:
  • Take a defensive driving course to learn how to be a better, safer driver.
  • Consider purchasing forgiveness insurance. Although you may pay a little extra today, the insurance company will €˜forgive' one at-fault accident from your record.
  • Follow the rules of the road and avoid reckless driving.
  • Drive defensively. Leave plenty of room between yourself and other drivers.
  • Shop around for the right auto insurance policy.
 These tips can help you find and secure the good driver discount so you can keep on enjoying low auto insurance rates. Auto insurance can be there for you when you need it the most. Work with an agency who has your best interests in mind. When you're looking for reliable and affordable  car insurance  coverage, talk to the team at Humble & Davenport Insurance.
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