
How Are Your Auto Damages Estimated?

Apr 23, 2019

How to & Tips

How Are Your Auto Damages Estimated?

Getting a Vehicle Repair Estimate After a Car Accident

If your vehicle is damaged in a caraccident, it is natural to want to know how to get it repaired as soon aspossible so that you can get back on the road. Many motorists turn to their auto insurance in Renton, WA policy to cover the cost of repairs. What many don't understand is thatthe insurer wants to be sure that they can help. As a result, they will oftensend out an appraiser who will investigate the damage. Keep in mind that thisisn't an instant solution, but it does take the necessary steps to get yourvehicle back on the road.

Once you call your insurer and letthem know about the accident, you will be able to talk to a claims adjuster. Afteryou give your statement about the accident, and you have coverage for thedamage, the adjuster will send out an appraiser to inspect your vehicle or youwill need to take your vehicle to a certain body shop. The appraiser will takepictures of the entire vehicle as well as the damaged areas. The reason forthis is so that the insurance company can be sure that they are only paying fordamages from the accident, rather than wear and tear.

The auto estimate will break down whatwork needs to be done to restore the vehicle, as well as itemizing parts,repairs, paint time, labor, and tax. The appraiser will compare part prices toensure they are in line with guidelines your insurance carrier uses for vehiclerepairs. Once this estimate is generated, the work will commence. Keep in mindthat the shop may find additional damages down the road when the repair work isbeing completed. If this happens, the shop will submit another estimate, whichcan slow down the process.

Work with an insurance agency who hasyour best interest in mind. Are you ready to find the right car insurance foryour vehicle and needs? Contact the professionals at Humble &Davenport Insurance, serving Renton and neighboring cities of Washington forquality autoinsurance coverage today.

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