
Have You Remodeled? Your Insurance Needs To Be Remodeled Too!

Nov 01, 2013

Home Insurance

Have You Remodeled? Your Insurance Needs To Be Remodeled Too!

In today's easing economic times, people are starting to take advantage of their better fortunes by remodeling their homes. If you've added on, put in a swimming pool, upgraded your appliances or totally redone the entire house, you're probably well pleased with how great everything looks. Not only that, but you've probably added value to your house which, in today's housing market, isn't a bad thing either. However, unless you've reviewed your homeowners policy, you may not have enough insurance to fiscally protect you if something does happen.

Upgrading appliances and remodeling rooms does add value but it may outstrip the value your home insurance will cover. Adding a pool is a guarantee for fun, but if someone is injured using your pool, you may not have the liability protection to cover medical expenses, especially if the injury is severe.

If you've done any remodeling, its also time for you to check with your insurance agent about remodeling your homeowners policy as well. Agents like those with Humble & Davenport Insurance in the Renton WA area are more than happy to help you make sure your home insurance package will give you the protection you need. Enjoy your remodeling, but enjoy it without worry after you check your insurance!

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