
Facts About Breast Cancer You Didn't Know

Oct 16, 2018


Facts About Breast Cancer You Didn't Know

Facts About Breast Cancer for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month  

While you may think of October as all things spooky and autumnal, October is the month when the breast cancer awareness campaign runs. This month, spare a moment to think about how you can get involved to raise awareness about the disease and encourage women to get tested. The team at Humble & Davenport Insurance are getting involved, from dressing up to running races to raise funds! To help you spread the word about this campaign, check out these facts about breast cancer you may not have known. Share them on your social media and let others know so that they can take action, too.
  • The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the better the chances of successful treatment.
  • Women aged 50 to 74 are recommended to get mammograms every two years.
  • Self-exams and clinical exams can help women younger than 50 to detect any signs of this cancer.
  • Breast cancer usually shows no signs or symptoms. The most common symptom is a painless lump or mass on the breast.
  • Don't underestimate the importance of monthly breast self-exams ' 8 out of 10 breast lumps are discovered by women themselves.
  • Although breast cancer in men is rare, it does happen. Around 2,150 are diagnosed annually.
  • The majority of breast cancer cases result from lifestyle and environmental impacts, rather than genetics.
  • Breast cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer.
  • On average, every 2 minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and 1 woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes.
  • More than 3.1 million U.S. women alive today have a history of breast cancer.
  • You can lower your risk of developing breast cancer by making positive lifestyle choices such as drinking less alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, and being physically active. Following a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables, and limit your intake of red meat and dairy products can be beneficial.
Spread the word about this cause and get active in your community! The experts at Humble & Davenport Insurance are here to help you secure insurance policies so that you can feel rest assured you're protected. Contact us today to get started.
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