
3 Bad Car Habits to Break This Winter

Dec 22, 2019

Auto Insurance

3 Bad Car Habits to Break This Winter

Winter Habits That Hurt Your Vehicle

 The weather outside is frightful, meaning that it's that time of year again when the roads are slick and the temperatures are sub-zero. If you're looking to protect your journey on the roads this winter, there are a few habits you might need to break. You may be making maintenance and driving mistakes that will cost you and your automobile dearly. Here are a few habits you may not be aware of and how you can keep your car in top shape and save on costs for auto insurance in Renton, WA.  Failing to change the windshield wipersChanging the windshield wipers is one of the easiest items to forget when it comes to car maintenance. If your wipers are leaving streaks on the window or not clearing the window well, it's time to replace the blades. Wipers are vital to your safety on the road because better wipers mean better visibility. Running down the tank of gasDuring the winter months, it's better to get into the habit of filling up with gas frequently. A near-empty tank can create fumes that crystallize in the cool weather than damage the fuel lines. Aim to keep your tank at least half full at all times throughout winter. Speeding in adverse weather conditionsWhether it's raining or snowing, you should always be aware when the road conditions are hazardous. Speeding when it's icy or when the roads are wet and slick and land you on the front page of local newspapers after you cause an accident. Take it slow and leave plenty of space between yourself and the vehicle in front. Auto insurance can be there for you when you need it the most. Work with an agency who has your best interests in mind. When you're looking for reliable and affordable  car insurance  cover, talk to the team at Humble & Davenport Insurance.
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